Go 2 Forum: The forum is dedicated to discussing Planning Application 55318/001, concerning the proposed development at Land west of Beechlands Road, South Medstead, Alton. This platform serves as a space for the community to voice their concerns and opinions about this development, which we believe is against public interest and harmful to nature. Join the conversation to share your insights, raise awareness, and collaborate on actions to address the potential impacts of this planning application.
Proposal: 70 Dwellings with Vehicular Access
Case Officer: Samantha Owen
Developer: Bargate Homes
- On the map above, marked in red, you can see the plot of land that is the subject of this planning application.
- It was subjected to an EIA screening application almost at the same time as the Estate of Ashwood in 2013, and Bargate bought an option to purchase that land before the Ashwood Estate was completed.
- On the map below, marked by a blue contour line, you can see plots of land targeted by Bargate Homes (part of Vivid), Cala Homes, and Redrow Homes as part of their master plan for significant expansion of the village of Medstead.
- This is in addition to the step one of that expansion, marked in grey as the Estate of Ashwood, which they have already completed. Interestingly, one of the plots filled in blue is now added to the draft Local Development Plan 2021-2040.
The Local Draft Development Plan 2021-2040 now includes the very parcel of land that Bargate Homes promoted as part of their masterplan to significantly expand the village of Medstead, but in a way that is not considered significant.
This document argues that the proposed development does not meet sustainability criteria required by Paragraph 11 of the NPPF. It urges the council to reject the application unless substantial revisions are made to address critical concerns comprehensively. Issues raised include procedural errors, potential procedural errors, and impacts on traffic and access.
Highlights inadequate and biased community consultation, lack of transparency, and superficial responses to community concerns. Emphasises that the public’s trust has been eroded due to manipulated feedback and fear of voicing opinions, urging the council to reject the application.
Addresses outdated traffic data, insufficient survey methods, and inadequate mitigation measures. Raises concerns about existing flooding problems, exacerbation of flood risks, and lack of detailed flood risk mitigation plans. Also discusses the strain on local infrastructure and risks to safety and accessibility.
Focuses on the negative impacts on residential amenity, including mental health and well-being, noise pollution, and air quality. Highlights the community disruption caused by continuous construction and the lack of transparency in public consultation processes.
Cites significant biodiversity net loss, insufficient mitigation measures, and potential adverse effects on local wildlife. Emphasises the cumulative impact with previous developments and inadequate consideration of in-combination effects, urging the council to address these issues before proceeding.
Questions the deliverability and sustainability of the project due to outdated data, insufficient flood risk measures, and inaccurate housing supply figures. Raises concerns about the strain on infrastructure and services, and the lack of community trust and engagement. Urges a thorough review and potential independent audit of the planning application procedures.
To strengthen my objection to the outline planning application, I emphasise that this application, presented as a Paragraph 11 application based on the Pegasus documentation, requires the level of detail provided by a full planning application. The developers appear to be pushing for approval based on Paragraph 11, but without the necessary details to ensure compliance with sustainability requirements, this application should not proceed in its current outline form.
I urge the planning authority to consider these points and require a full planning application that provides comprehensive details and assessments. This approach will ensure that all potential impacts are thoroughly evaluated and that the development aligns with the principles of sustainable rural growth.
This objection focuses on the inadequacies of the consultation process and the developer’s attempt to control the narrative, which undermine the transparency and effectiveness of the planning application process.
Go 2 Forum: The forum is dedicated to discussing Planning Application 27000/005, concerning the proposed development at Land to the rear and including Fair Winds, 61 Lymington Bottom Road, Medstead, Alton. This platform serves as a space for the community to voice their concerns and opinions about this development, which we believe is against public interest and harmful to nature. Join the conversation to share your insights, raise awareness, and collaborate on actions to address the potential impacts of this planning application.
The Local Draft Development Plan 2021-2040 now includes the very parcel of land that Bargate Homes promoted as part of their masterplan to significantly expand the village of Medstead, but in a way that is not considered significant.
The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:
- Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
- Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
- Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
- Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
- Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
- Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.
The objection document focuses on traffic and access concerns related to the proposed development. Key points include:
- Increased Traffic Congestion: The proposed solutions are insufficient, leading to potential congestion and safety hazards.
- Parking and Cycle Strategy: Insufficient parking spaces and lack of secure cycle storage, leading to on-street parking and safety issues.
- Infrastructure Deficiencies: Narrow footways and lack of street lighting pose risks for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Historical Context and Recommendations: References past concerns and the need for comprehensive traffic impact assessments.
The objection document argues that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria outlined in Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Key points include:
- Procedural Concerns: Incomplete disclosure and lack of public awareness.
- Impact on Traffic and Access: Increased congestion and potential delays to emergency services.
- Potential Procedural Error: Failure to disclose all material considerations and omission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
- Conclusion: Urges rejection of the application unless substantial revisions are made.
The Local Draft Development Plan 2021-2040 now includes the very parcel of land that Bargate Homes promoted as part of their masterplan to significantly expand the village of Medstead, but in a way that is not considered significant.
The significant number of signatures on this petition shows that the community has observed the adverse impact of the cumulatively significant piecemeal developments that the two-village ward has been subjected to.
The 40% population increase from 2011 to 2021 is almost twice the rate of the fastest-growing town, Dartford,, and more than twice the rate of the fastest-growing city in the UK, Cambridge, during the same period.
Developers were allowed to control the public consultation agenda and openly promoted authorities not to trigger a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), not asking but stating that EIA was NOT needed. It is reasonable to conclude that they influenced the lack of impartially produced data to support the residents’ observations.
The absence of proof is not proof of absence, especially when such proof was not collected due to a dysfunctional planning application process that failed to have mechanisms in place to trigger a full EIA to capture the required data accordingly.
There were also no effective ways for residents to share their evidence of the ongoing failure in the effectiveness of the mitigation measures that were not fit for purpose due to the inadequate baseline of the infrastructure and the fact that Medstead was transformed into an ongoing building site of piecemeal developments without sufficient supervision or consequences that would sufficiently impact the developers.
Interestingly, the very plot of land promoted by Bargate Homes/Vivid as their significant expansion to the south of Medstead somehow found its way into the draft Local Development Plan, which was consulted without effective communication with the affected residents. Therefore, it is vital that we show our solidarity for the cause.
Simply add your signature, as collectively we can lead the communities to stand up for the respect we all deserve.
This publication explores the urgent need for reform in Section 106 agreements by introducing a profit cap mechanism. Aimed at ensuring sustainable development and equitable distribution of resources, the proposal highlights how such a mechanism can prevent developers from exploiting regulatory loopholes for excessive profit, thus promoting fairer and more community-focused growth.
This letter to Damian Hinds MP calls for urgent support in implementing a profit cap mechanism in Section 106 agreements. Highlighting the critical need for sustainable development and protection of local communities, the letter emphasises the importance of addressing the concerns of Four Marks and Medstead Ward residents. It seeks to ensure that development benefits are maximised for the community while preventing exploitation by developers.