Assesses the impact on trees and vegetation.

Tree Retention and Removal: The report evaluates the impact of the proposed development on existing trees, categorizing them based on their significance, and determining which trees can be retained or need to be removed. This affects both the environmental impact and the aesthetic appeal of the area.

Root Protection Areas: It includes measures to protect the root zones of retained trees, ensuring that construction activities do not damage these trees, which is crucial for maintaining the site’s environmental quality.

Arboricultural Features: The report ensures that the main arboricultural features of the site, which contribute to its landscape character and biodiversity, are preserved, aligning with policies C20 and C21 of the East Hampshire District Council Local Plan.

Compliance with Policies: The document confirms that the proposed development complies with local planning policies regarding tree preservation, which is an important factor in planning decisions.

Mitigation Measures: It outlines specific measures to mitigate the impact on trees, such as fencing off tree protection zones and manual excavation within root protection areas, which are essential to prevent long-term damage to the tree’s health.

This detailed analysis is crucial for ensuring the proposed development aligns with environmental sustainability and local policy requirements, maintaining the area’s ecological balance and visual aesthetics.
