The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a standard charge that local authorities can levy on new developments to fund broader infrastructure projects.
Key Features
- Standard Charge: Unlike S106 agreements, CIL is a fixed charge based on the size and type of development. It is not negotiable and applies uniformly within the charging authority’s area.
- Use of Funds: CIL funds are used to support infrastructure needs across the local authority area, such as transportation, education, healthcare, and recreational facilities.
- Transparency: The rates are set out in a published charging schedule, providing clarity and predictability for developers.
- Charging Schedule: Local authorities develop a CIL charging schedule, which is subject to public consultation and independent examination.
- Payment: Developers pay the CIL charge upon commencement of the development. The amount is based on the floor area of the new development.
- Allocation of Funds: The collected funds are allocated to infrastructure projects identified in the authority’s infrastructure delivery plan.