The plan includes:

  1. Proposed Site Boundary:
    • Delineates the boundaries of the development site.
  2. Existing Vegetation:
    • Shows existing trees and hedgerows that will be enhanced as part of the development.
  3. Proposed Plantings:
    • Native Hedgerows: New hedgerows using native species.
    • Native Hedgerow Trees: Planting of trees within the hedgerows.
    • Native Shrubs: Planting of various native shrubs.
    • Street Trees: Trees planted along the streets within the development.
    • Ornamental Shrub Planting: Decorative shrubs planted throughout the development.
  4. Grassland Areas:
    • Amenity Grassland: Grassy areas for general use and recreation.
    • Species Rich Grassland: Grassland areas with a variety of plant species to enhance biodiversity.
  5. Amenities and Pathways:
    • Benches: Placement of benches throughout the development for seating.
    • Play Area: Designated areas for children’s play.
    • Hoggin Path: Paths made from a compacted mixture of gravel, sand, and clay.

Weak Points:

Ratio of Natural to Developed Land:

  • The ratio of natural to developed land may not be sufficient to achieve the intended mitigation measures. The proposed landscape features may not adequately compensate for the loss of natural land, leading to a net negative impact on local biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures:

  • The proposed mitigation measures, such as planting native species and creating grasslands, might not be sufficient to offset the environmental impact of the development. Detailed impact assessments and more robust mitigation strategies may be required to truly compensate for the loss of natural habitats.

Impact on Local Hydrology:

  • The introduction of new planting areas and changes in land use could alter local hydrology. The plan does not detail how these changes might affect water runoff, drainage, or local water bodies.
