Planning Application 27000/005: Land to the rear and including Fair Winds, 61 Lymington Bottom Road, Medstead, Alton


Proposal: 53 Dwellings with Vehicular Access
Case Officer: Samantha Owen
Developer: Bewley

The Local Draft Development Plan 2021-2040 now includes the very parcel of land that Bargate Homes promoted as part of their masterplan to significantly expand the village of Medstead, but in a way that is not considered significant.

Planning Application Documents Grouped Based on Submitters

Plus, a short description of what each of them is about.


Shows the location of gas mains, important for ensuring safe development practices and integrating the development with existing utility infrastructure.


Includes plans for ancillary structures such as garages and cycle stores, contributing to the overall design, functionality, and amenity value of the development.


Outlines developable areas, primary street alignments, and access points for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Crucial for assessing the impact on local traffic, access routes, and connectivity to existing infrastructure.


Defines the boundary of the application site, indicating the land area to be developed. Essential for assessing land use and ensuring compliance with zoning and planning regulations.


Provides essential details about the proposed development, including the type and number of residential units, existing use, and proposed changes.


Assesses the impact on trees and vegetation…This detailed analysis is crucial for ensuring the proposed development aligns with environmental sustainability and local policy requirements, maintaining the area’s ecological balance and visual aesthetics.


Evaluates the archaeological potential of the site, identifying areas of historical significance and proposing necessary mitigation measures to preserve heritage assets.


Assesses the biodiversity value of the site and outlines measures to enhance it post-development, ensuring compliance with environmental conservation standards. Focuses on biodiversity net gain strategies.


Outlines types of boundary treatments (e.g., walls, fences). Affects privacy, security, and visual appeal of the development. Details boundary treatments for the development, ensuring privacy and security for residents.


Details proposed building heights, vital for evaluating the visual impact, conformity with local design standards, and potential effects on the surrounding area. Shows the proposed building heights to maintain a consistent visual aesthetic.


Outlines different character areas within the proposed development, specifying their distinct architectural and landscape characteristics. The areas are categorised into types such as Picturesque Suburban, Pocket Green, and Formal Suburban. Defines thematic and aesthetic guidelines for various sections of the development.


Outlines the purpose and description of the planning application. Discusses the housing mix and community needs.


Discusses gas mains and related safety measures for the proposed work area.


Provides a comprehensive design and access statement, including character areas and architectural treatments. Discusses refuse strategy, accessibility, and the integration of green spaces. Addresses landscape integration and biodiversity enhancement.


Provides a comprehensive overview of the design principles and access considerations for the development project, covering aspects such as layout, scale, appearance, landscaping, and access arrangements. Provides an overview of design principles and accessibility arrangements.


Provides detailed planning for the site’s layout, indicating locations of local areas of play and access points. Details green spaces and tree retention plans.


Provides safety measures for working near gas mains.


This document is an ecological assessment that evaluates the ecological interest of the site, including habitats, species, and potential impacts of the proposed development. It provides details on existing ecological features, surveys conducted, and the ecological value of the site.


Outlines energy and sustainability measures for the development.


Shows existing structures and application boundary. Indicates the layout of existing buildings and natural features.


Evaluates the potential flood risks associated with the proposed development and outlines measures to mitigate these risks.


Details measures to promote sustainable travel, reduce traffic, and encourage the use of non-car modes of transport.


Outlines the green infrastructure elements, including parks, green corridors, and biodiversity enhancements.


Details the types and tenures of housing proposed, ensuring a balanced and inclusive community.


Provides guidance on safe excavation and construction practices to avoid damaging underground utilities.


Evaluates the visual and landscape impacts of the development, proposing measures to mitigate negative effects.


Provides a comprehensive layout of the proposed landscape features, aiming to integrate the development harmoniously with the natural environment.


Outlines the overall approach to landscape design, focusing on enhancing biodiversity and visual appeal.


Shows the geographical context and location of the proposed development, indicating how it fits within the broader land use and infrastructure network.




Specifies the materials to be used in construction, ensuring they meet design standards and sustainability criteria.


Specifies the maximum building heights for a development project in South Medstead, including maximum permissible heights (e.g., 2 storeys, maximum 9.3m to ridge) and other key parameters for planning purposes.


Contains detailed floor plans and elevations for different house types within the development. It provides specific measurements, layout designs, and structural details for various housing units. Contains detailed floor plans and elevations necessary for construction and approval.


Outlines the proposed parking and cycling infrastructure, including the number of parking spaces and cycle sheds.


Provides an overview of the planning application, aligning the proposal with local and national planning policies.


Includes detailed plans and elevations for private house types, detailing the architectural design.


Shows the coloured layout of the proposed site, highlighting the arrangement of buildings and open spaces.


Similar to the coloured site layout, provides a detailed layout of the site.


Details the refuse collection strategy, including locations of bin storage areas and collection points.


Addresses the developer’s response to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), indicating compliance with financial contributions.


Assesses the road safety implications of the proposed development, identifying potential hazards.


Provides sectional views of the site, important for understanding the vertical aspects of the development.


Discusses the impact on existing utility services and necessary adjustments.


Details regarding the Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, crucial for ensuring continuous service provision.


Analyses traffic flow and the impact of the development on the local transport network.


Provides a detailed assessment of transportation issues, including traffic volume and access points.


Similar to the Transport Assessment, focuses on the transport-related aspects of the development.


Comprehensive evaluation of transportation implications, ensuring adequate planning for movement and access.


Shows how the developer has engaged with the community and incorporated their feedback.


Assesses facilities for non-motorised users, ensuring accessibility and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and horse riders.


Offers safety guidance for working near electrical infrastructure.


Details specific housing designs, impacting the quality and layout of residential units.


This document assesses the impact on trees within the proposed development site. It highlights concerns about the lack of long-term planning for newly planted trees and potential negative impacts on existing trees. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and maintaining visual amenity, which are key environmental considerations. The design and appearance of the development are also affected by how well trees are integrated and maintained within the landscape​​.


The archaeological assessment indicates a moderate to good potential for encountering Neolithic remains. Heritage and conservation considerations are essential to ensure that significant archaeological finds are preserved and appropriately managed, maintaining the historical integrity of the area​​.


This document discusses the need for Section 106 agreements to address affordable housing, site management, and potential impacts on local sporting provisions. Infrastructure and services considerations ensure that the development provides necessary support facilities and does not negatively impact existing community resources​​.


This comment from the Environmental Health department notes that the site does not lie on or near potentially contaminated land but requires radon protection. Managing air and water quality is crucial to ensure the health and safety of future residents and the surrounding environment​​.


The drainage assessment confirms that the site is in flood zone 1 but emphasizes the need for robust drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Effective flood risk management is essential to prevent future flooding and protect both the development and surrounding areas​​.


This document discusses the proposed 40% affordable housing provision, which falls short of the required 70%. Ensuring adequate affordable housing and meeting local and national planning policies are crucial for supporting community needs and maintaining policy compliance​​.


The Fire and Rescue Service’s comments highlight the need for adequate access for firefighting appliances and sufficient water supplies. Infrastructure and safety considerations ensure that emergency services can effectively respond to incidents and protect residents​​.


The Lead Local Flood Authority comments emphasize the need for adequate drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Proper flood risk management and environmental impact considerations are vital to ensure sustainable development and protect against climate change effects​​.


  • Relevance: Focuses on healthcare infrastructure capacity.
  • Sufficiency: Adequate for initial assessment but highlights the need for reassessment if additional developments impact capacity.


  • Relevance: Focuses on healthcare infrastructure capacity.
  • Sufficiency: Adequate for initial assessment but highlights the need for reassessment if additional developments impact capacity.


This document discusses the impact of the development on local public footpaths, specifically FP18 and FP19. Public opinion and traffic and access considerations are important to ensure that the development does not negatively impact the usability of public rights of way and maintains community support​​.


Thames Water comments on the potential impact of the development on the local sewer network. Ensuring air and water quality and adequate infrastructure and services are critical to prevent environmental pollution and support the needs of the development​​.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 02.pdf

The objection document focuses on traffic and access concerns related to the proposed development. Key points include:

  1. Increased Traffic Congestion: The proposed solutions are insufficient, leading to potential congestion and safety hazards.
  2. Parking and Cycle Strategy: Insufficient parking spaces and lack of secure cycle storage, leading to on-street parking and safety issues.
  3. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Narrow footways and lack of street lighting pose risks for pedestrians and cyclists.
  4. Historical Context and Recommendations: References past concerns and the need for comprehensive traffic impact assessments.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 03.pdf

The objection document argues that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria outlined in Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Key points include:

  1. Procedural Concerns: Incomplete disclosure and lack of public awareness.
  2. Impact on Traffic and Access: Increased congestion and potential delays to emergency services.
  3. Potential Procedural Error: Failure to disclose all material considerations and omission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  4. Conclusion: Urges rejection of the application unless substantial revisions are made.

Planning Application Documents Grouped Based on Material Planning Considerations

Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)

Nothing found.

Consultee Comments


This comment from the Environmental Health department notes that the site does not lie on or near potentially contaminated land but requires radon protection. Managing air and water quality is crucial to ensure the health and safety of future residents and the surrounding environment​​.


Thames Water comments on the potential impact of the development on the local sewer network. Ensuring air and water quality and adequate infrastructure and services are critical to prevent environmental pollution and support the needs of the development​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Includes plans for ancillary structures such as garages and cycle stores, contributing to the overall design, functionality, and amenity value of the development.


Outlines types of boundary treatments (e.g., walls, fences). Affects privacy, security, and visual appeal of the development. Details boundary treatments for the development, ensuring privacy and security for residents.


Details proposed building heights, vital for evaluating the visual impact, conformity with local design standards, and potential effects on the surrounding area. Shows the proposed building heights to maintain a consistent visual aesthetic.


Outlines different character areas within the proposed development, specifying their distinct architectural and landscape characteristics. The areas are categorised into types such as Picturesque Suburban, Pocket Green, and Formal Suburban. Defines thematic and aesthetic guidelines for various sections of the development.


Provides a comprehensive design and access statement, including character areas and architectural treatments. Discusses refuse strategy, accessibility, and the integration of green spaces. Addresses landscape integration and biodiversity enhancement.


Provides a comprehensive overview of the design principles and access considerations for the development project, covering aspects such as layout, scale, appearance, landscaping, and access arrangements. Provides an overview of design principles and accessibility arrangements.


Provides detailed planning for the site’s layout, indicating locations of local areas of play and access points. Details green spaces and tree retention plans.


Shows existing structures and application boundary. Indicates the layout of existing buildings and natural features.


Outlines the green infrastructure elements, including parks, green corridors, and biodiversity enhancements.


Evaluates the visual and landscape impacts of the development, proposing measures to mitigate negative effects.


Provides a comprehensive layout of the proposed landscape features, aiming to integrate the development harmoniously with the natural environment.


Outlines the overall approach to landscape design, focusing on enhancing biodiversity and visual appeal.


Specifies the materials to be used in construction, ensuring they meet design standards and sustainability criteria.


Specifies the maximum building heights for a development project in South Medstead, including maximum permissible heights (e.g., 2 storeys, maximum 9.3m to ridge) and other key parameters for planning purposes.


Contains detailed floor plans and elevations for different house types within the development. It provides specific measurements, layout designs, and structural details for various housing units. Contains detailed floor plans and elevations necessary for construction and approval.


Includes detailed plans and elevations for private house types, detailing the architectural design.


Shows the coloured layout of the proposed site, highlighting the arrangement of buildings and open spaces.


Similar to the coloured site layout, provides a detailed layout of the site.


Provides sectional views of the site, important for understanding the vertical aspects of the development.


Analyses traffic flow and the impact of the development on the local transport network.


Provides a detailed assessment of transportation issues, including traffic volume and access points.


Similar to the Transport Assessment, focuses on the transport-related aspects of the development.


Comprehensive evaluation of transportation implications, ensuring adequate planning for movement and access.

Consultee Comments


This document assesses the impact on trees within the proposed development site. It highlights concerns about the lack of long-term planning for newly planted trees and potential negative impacts on existing trees. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and maintaining visual amenity, which are key environmental considerations. The design and appearance of the development are also affected by how well trees are integrated and maintained within the landscape​​.

Our Comments

Nothing found.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Addresses the developer’s response to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), indicating compliance with financial contributions.

Consultee Comments

Nothing found.

Our Comments

Nothing found.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Assesses the biodiversity value of the site and outlines measures to enhance it post-development, ensuring compliance with environmental conservation standards. Focuses on biodiversity net gain strategies.


Provides a comprehensive design and access statement, including character areas and architectural treatments. Discusses refuse strategy, accessibility, and the integration of green spaces. Addresses landscape integration and biodiversity enhancement.


Provides detailed planning for the site’s layout, indicating locations of local areas of play and access points. Details green spaces and tree retention plans.


This document is an ecological assessment that evaluates the ecological interest of the site, including habitats, species, and potential impacts of the proposed development. It provides details on existing ecological features, surveys conducted, and the ecological value of the site.


Outlines the green infrastructure elements, including parks, green corridors, and biodiversity enhancements.


Evaluates the visual and landscape impacts of the development, proposing measures to mitigate negative effects.


Provides a comprehensive layout of the proposed landscape features, aiming to integrate the development harmoniously with the natural environment.


Outlines the overall approach to landscape design, focusing on enhancing biodiversity and visual appeal.


Shows the coloured layout of the proposed site, highlighting the arrangement of buildings and open spaces.

Consultee Comments


This document assesses the impact on trees within the proposed development site. It highlights concerns about the lack of long-term planning for newly planted trees and potential negative impacts on existing trees. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and maintaining visual amenity, which are key environmental considerations. The design and appearance of the development are also affected by how well trees are integrated and maintained within the landscape​​.


The Lead Local Flood Authority comments emphasize the need for adequate drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Proper flood risk management and environmental impact considerations are vital to ensure sustainable development and protect against climate change effects​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Evaluates the potential flood risks associated with the proposed development and outlines measures to mitigate these risks.

Consultee Comments


The drainage assessment confirms that the site is in flood zone 1 but emphasizes the need for robust drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Effective flood risk management is essential to prevent future flooding and protect both the development and surrounding areas​​.


The Lead Local Flood Authority comments emphasize the need for adequate drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Proper flood risk management and environmental impact considerations are vital to ensure sustainable development and protect against climate change effects​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Evaluates the archaeological potential of the site, identifying areas of historical significance and proposing necessary mitigation measures to preserve heritage assets.

Consultee Comments


The archaeological assessment indicates a moderate to good potential for encountering Neolithic remains. Heritage and conservation considerations are essential to ensure that significant archaeological finds are preserved and appropriately managed, maintaining the historical integrity of the area​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Shows the location of gas mains, important for ensuring safe development practices and integrating the development with existing utility infrastructure.


Outlines developable areas, primary street alignments, and access points for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Crucial for assessing the impact on local traffic, access routes, and connectivity to existing infrastructure.


Discusses gas mains and related safety measures for the proposed work area.


Provides detailed planning for the site’s layout, indicating locations of local areas of play and access points. Details green spaces and tree retention plans.


Provides safety measures for working near gas mains.


Provides guidance on safe excavation and construction practices to avoid damaging underground utilities.


Shows the geographical context and location of the proposed development, indicating how it fits within the broader land use and infrastructure network.


Details the refuse collection strategy, including locations of bin storage areas and collection points.


Discusses the impact on existing utility services and necessary adjustments.


Details regarding the Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, crucial for ensuring continuous service provision.


Shows how the developer has engaged with the community and incorporated their feedback.


Offers safety guidance for working near electrical infrastructure.

Consultee Comments


This document discusses the need for Section 106 agreements to address affordable housing, site management, and potential impacts on local sporting provisions. Infrastructure and services considerations ensure that the development provides necessary support facilities and does not negatively impact existing community resources​​.


The Fire and Rescue Service’s comments highlight the need for adequate access for firefighting appliances and sufficient water supplies. Infrastructure and safety considerations ensure that emergency services can effectively respond to incidents and protect residents​​.


  • Relevance: Focuses on healthcare infrastructure capacity.
  • Sufficiency: Adequate for initial assessment but highlights the need for reassessment if additional developments impact capacity.


Thames Water comments on the potential impact of the development on the local sewer network. Ensuring air and water quality and adequate infrastructure and services are critical to prevent environmental pollution and support the needs of the development​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Defines the boundary of the application site, indicating the land area to be developed. Essential for assessing land use and ensuring compliance with zoning and planning regulations.


Shows existing structures and application boundary. Indicates the layout of existing buildings and natural features.


Shows the geographical context and location of the proposed development, indicating how it fits within the broader land use and infrastructure network.

Consultee Comments


This document assesses the impact on trees within the proposed development site. It highlights concerns about the lack of long-term planning for newly planted trees and potential negative impacts on existing trees. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and maintaining visual amenity, which are key environmental considerations. The design and appearance of the development are also affected by how well trees are integrated and maintained within the landscape​​.


The archaeological assessment indicates a moderate to good potential for encountering Neolithic remains. Heritage and conservation considerations are essential to ensure that significant archaeological finds are preserved and appropriately managed, maintaining the historical integrity of the area​​.


This document discusses the need for Section 106 agreements to address affordable housing, site management, and potential impacts on local sporting provisions. Infrastructure and services considerations ensure that the development provides necessary support facilities and does not negatively impact existing community resources​​.


This comment from the Environmental Health department notes that the site does not lie on or near potentially contaminated land but requires radon protection. Managing air and water quality is crucial to ensure the health and safety of future residents and the surrounding environment​​.


The drainage assessment confirms that the site is in flood zone 1 but emphasizes the need for robust drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Effective flood risk management is essential to prevent future flooding and protect both the development and surrounding areas​​.


This document discusses the proposed 40% affordable housing provision, which falls short of the required 70%. Ensuring adequate affordable housing and meeting local and national planning policies are crucial for supporting community needs and maintaining policy compliance​​.


The Fire and Rescue Service’s comments highlight the need for adequate access for firefighting appliances and sufficient water supplies. Infrastructure and safety considerations ensure that emergency services can effectively respond to incidents and protect residents​​.


The Lead Local Flood Authority comments emphasize the need for adequate drainage systems to manage increased runoff. Proper flood risk management and environmental impact considerations are vital to ensure sustainable development and protect against climate change effects​​.


  • Relevance: Focuses on healthcare infrastructure capacity.
  • Sufficiency: Adequate for initial assessment but highlights the need for reassessment if additional developments impact capacity.


  • Relevance: Focuses on healthcare infrastructure capacity.
  • Sufficiency: Adequate for initial assessment but highlights the need for reassessment if additional developments impact capacity.


This document discusses the impact of the development on local public footpaths, specifically FP18 and FP19. Public opinion and traffic and access considerations are important to ensure that the development does not negatively impact the usability of public rights of way and maintains community support​​.


Thames Water comments on the potential impact of the development on the local sewer network. Ensuring air and water quality and adequate infrastructure and services are critical to prevent environmental pollution and support the needs of the development​​.

Our Comments

Nothing found.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Provides essential details about the proposed development, including the type and number of residential units, existing use, and proposed changes.


Outlines the purpose and description of the planning application. Discusses the housing mix and community needs.


Details the types and tenures of housing proposed, ensuring a balanced and inclusive community.


Provides an overview of the planning application, aligning the proposal with local and national planning policies.


Addresses the developer’s response to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), indicating compliance with financial contributions.

Consultee Comments


This document discusses the proposed 40% affordable housing provision, which falls short of the required 70%. Ensuring adequate affordable housing and meeting local and national planning policies are crucial for supporting community needs and maintaining policy compliance​​.

Our Comments

Objection – 20240623 – 02 — Due to Inadequate Community Involvement and Lack of Trust.pdf

Highlights inadequate and biased community consultation, lack of transparency, and superficial responses to community concerns. Emphasises that the public’s trust has been eroded due to manipulated feedback and fear of voicing opinions, urging the council to reject the application.

Objection – 20240623 – 03 — Due to Traffic and Access, Flood Risk and Community Impact Concerns.pdf

Addresses outdated traffic data, insufficient survey methods, and inadequate mitigation measures. Raises concerns about existing flooding problems, exacerbation of flood risks, and lack of detailed flood risk mitigation plans. Also discusses the strain on local infrastructure and risks to safety and accessibility.

Objection – 20240623 – 04 — Due to Public Health Concerns.pdf

Focuses on the negative impacts on residential amenity, including mental health and well-being, noise pollution, and air quality. Highlights the community disruption caused by continuous construction and the lack of transparency in public consultation processes.

Objection – 20240623 – 05 — Based on the Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf

Cites significant biodiversity net loss, insufficient mitigation measures, and potential adverse effects on local wildlife. Emphasises the cumulative impact with previous developments and inadequate consideration of in-combination effects, urging the council to address these issues before proceeding.

Objection – 20240623 – 06 — Based on Deliverability and Sustainability Concerns.pdf

Questions the deliverability and sustainability of the project due to outdated data, insufficient flood risk measures, and inaccurate housing supply figures. Raises concerns about the strain on infrastructure and services, and the lack of community trust and engagement. Urges a thorough review and potential independent audit of the planning application procedures.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 02.pdf

The objection document focuses on traffic and access concerns related to the proposed development. Key points include:

  1. Increased Traffic Congestion: The proposed solutions are insufficient, leading to potential congestion and safety hazards.
  2. Parking and Cycle Strategy: Insufficient parking spaces and lack of secure cycle storage, leading to on-street parking and safety issues.
  3. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Narrow footways and lack of street lighting pose risks for pedestrians and cyclists.
  4. Historical Context and Recommendations: References past concerns and the need for comprehensive traffic impact assessments.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 03.pdf

The objection document argues that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria outlined in Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Key points include:

  1. Procedural Concerns: Incomplete disclosure and lack of public awareness.
  2. Impact on Traffic and Access: Increased congestion and potential delays to emergency services.
  3. Potential Procedural Error: Failure to disclose all material considerations and omission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  4. Conclusion: Urges rejection of the application unless substantial revisions are made.

Objections to Planning Application 55318/001 – 20240620-01

This objection focuses on the inadequacies of the consultation process and the developer’s attempt to control the narrative, which undermine the transparency and effectiveness of the planning application process.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)

Nothing found.

Consultee Comments


This document discusses the impact of the development on local public footpaths, specifically FP18 and FP19. Public opinion and traffic and access considerations are important to ensure that the development does not negatively impact the usability of public rights of way and maintains community support​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 03.pdf

The objection document argues that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria outlined in Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Key points include:

  1. Procedural Concerns: Incomplete disclosure and lack of public awareness.
  2. Impact on Traffic and Access: Increased congestion and potential delays to emergency services.
  3. Potential Procedural Error: Failure to disclose all material considerations and omission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  4. Conclusion: Urges rejection of the application unless substantial revisions are made.


Nothing found.


Consultee Comments


Includes plans for ancillary structures such as garages and cycle stores, contributing to the overall design, functionality, and amenity value of the development.


Outlines types of boundary treatments (e.g., walls, fences). Affects privacy, security, and visual appeal of the development. Details boundary treatments for the development, ensuring privacy and security for residents.


Outlines the purpose and description of the planning application. Discusses the housing mix and community needs.


Provides a comprehensive design and access statement, including character areas and architectural treatments. Discusses refuse strategy, accessibility, and the integration of green spaces. Addresses landscape integration and biodiversity enhancement.


Details the types and tenures of housing proposed, ensuring a balanced and inclusive community.


Shows the coloured layout of the proposed site, highlighting the arrangement of buildings and open spaces.


Similar to the coloured site layout, provides a detailed layout of the site.


Details specific housing designs, impacting the quality and layout of residential units.

Consultee Comments


This document discusses the proposed 40% affordable housing provision, which falls short of the required 70%. Ensuring adequate affordable housing and meeting local and national planning policies are crucial for supporting community needs and maintaining policy compliance​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

The objection document raises several concerns regarding the proposed development:

  1. Environmental and Ecological Impact: Potential harm to existing trees and biodiversity.
  2. Archaeological Significance: Risk to Neolithic remains.
  3. Flood Risk and Drainage: Need for robust drainage systems to manage runoff.
  4. Community and Social Impact: Insufficient affordable housing and lack of comprehensive EIA.
  5. Public Services and Infrastructure: Impact on local footpaths and healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Health and Safety: Fire safety, radon protection, and land contamination management.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Outlines energy and sustainability measures for the development.


Details measures to promote sustainable travel, reduce traffic, and encourage the use of non-car modes of transport.


Specifies the materials to be used in construction, ensuring they meet design standards and sustainability criteria.

Consultee Comments

Nothing found.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 03.pdf

The objection document argues that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria outlined in Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Key points include:

  1. Procedural Concerns: Incomplete disclosure and lack of public awareness.
  2. Impact on Traffic and Access: Increased congestion and potential delays to emergency services.
  3. Potential Procedural Error: Failure to disclose all material considerations and omission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  4. Conclusion: Urges rejection of the application unless substantial revisions are made.


Nothing found.


Planning Application Documents (Filed by Developer)


Outlines developable areas, primary street alignments, and access points for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Crucial for assessing the impact on local traffic, access routes, and connectivity to existing infrastructure.


Details measures to promote sustainable travel, reduce traffic, and encourage the use of non-car modes of transport.


Outlines the proposed parking and cycling infrastructure, including the number of parking spaces and cycle sheds.


Shows the coloured layout of the proposed site, highlighting the arrangement of buildings and open spaces.


Assesses the road safety implications of the proposed development, identifying potential hazards.


Assesses facilities for non-motorised users, ensuring accessibility and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and horse riders.

Consultee Comments


This document discusses the impact of the development on local public footpaths, specifically FP18 and FP19. Public opinion and traffic and access considerations are important to ensure that the development does not negatively impact the usability of public rights of way and maintains community support​​.

Our Comments

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 02.pdf

The objection document focuses on traffic and access concerns related to the proposed development. Key points include:

  1. Increased Traffic Congestion: The proposed solutions are insufficient, leading to potential congestion and safety hazards.
  2. Parking and Cycle Strategy: Insufficient parking spaces and lack of secure cycle storage, leading to on-street parking and safety issues.
  3. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Narrow footways and lack of street lighting pose risks for pedestrians and cyclists.
  4. Historical Context and Recommendations: References past concerns and the need for comprehensive traffic impact assessments.

Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 03.pdf

The objection document argues that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria outlined in Paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Key points include:

  1. Procedural Concerns: Incomplete disclosure and lack of public awareness.
  2. Impact on Traffic and Access: Increased congestion and potential delays to emergency services.
  3. Potential Procedural Error: Failure to disclose all material considerations and omission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  4. Conclusion: Urges rejection of the application unless substantial revisions are made.


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