The continuous expansion of the village raises significant safety concerns due to the lack of proper pedestrian infrastructure

The continuous expansion of the village raises significant safety concerns due to the lack of proper pedestrian infrastructure. The existing roads are not equipped to handle increased traffic while ensuring the safety of pedestrians, particularly older people and children. This issue is critical as it directly affects the daily lives and safety of the community.

Previous developments that rely on Beechlands Road have highlighted its limitations, which were well known to the developer. Due to insufficient supervision, the alleged compensation for the strain on this part of the infrastructure has not been adequately addressed. The developers were supposed to repair Beechlands Road to fix post-construction issues and ensure it remained functional for the increased traffic. Yet, the junction with Red Hill and Five Ash Road is regularly flooded, rendering it impassable for pedestrians.

The Beechlands Road sidewalk is comparable to those found in some impoverished areas of Romania. It is a patchwork due to the addition and maintenance of various utility networks, making it unsafe for people with impaired vision. Additionally, it is a form of visual pollution.