Section 106 (S106) agreements, also known as planning obligations, are legal agreements between local authorities and developers.
They are used to mitigate the impact of new developments on the local community and infrastructure.
Key Features
Negotiated Obligations: S106 agreements are negotiated between the developer and the local planning authority. They are specific to the development and address particular impacts.
Types of Contributions: These can include financial contributions, the provision of affordable housing, infrastructure improvements (such as roads, schools, and parks), and other community benefits.
Site-Specific: S106 agreements are tailored to the specific needs and impacts of the individual development site.
Negotiation: During the planning application process, the local authority and the developer negotiate the terms of the agreement.
Legal Binding: Once agreed upon, the S106 agreement is legally binding and enforceable. It must be completed before the planning permission is granted.
Implementation: The obligations outlined in the agreement must be fulfilled as the development progresses.