Objection to Planning Application 55318/001 – 20240618-01

Objection Summary

  1. Insufficient Detail in Outline Applications
  2. Cumulative Impact of Piecemeal Developments
  3. Precedent and Consistency
  4. Location and Policy Considerations
  5. Need for Up-to-Date Information

Material Planning Considerations

Paragraph 11 of the NPPF:

The developers are using Paragraph 11 to justify their application, which sets the presumption in favour of sustainable development. The objection argues that this should require a full planning application rather than an outline application due to the need for comprehensive details to ensure compliance with sustainability requirements.

Interim Local Development Plan:

The site is not included in the recently updated Interim Local Development Plan, which questions its suitability for development under current planning policies.

Consistency in Policy Application:

The objection highlights the need for consistent application of planning policies, referencing the precedent set by the appeal decision at Mount Royal, Four Marks. It points out discrepancies in the housing supply calculations and stresses the importance of thorough verification.

Outside Settlement Boundaries:

The proposed development is outside the defined settlement boundaries of the village, which impacts land use decisions and policy compliance.

Requirement for Full Planning Application:

Given the location and policy considerations, the objection argues that a full planning application is necessary to adequately evaluate the sustainability and impacts of the proposal, rather than proceeding with an outline application.

Assessment of Impact on Local Infrastructure:

The objection emphasizes the need for detailed assessments of how the development will affect local infrastructure, including roads, healthcare services, and schools, which are crucial for evaluating the economic impacts and benefits of the development.

Local Infrastructure and Community Services:

The objection points out the lack of detailed information in the outline application to assess the full impact on local infrastructure and community services. Comprehensive assessments are necessary to understand how the proposed development will integrate with existing infrastructure and services.

Sustainable Development Requirements:

Paragraph 11 of the NPPF emphasizes the importance of sustainable development. The objection argues that the outline application does not provide sufficient detail to comply with these sustainability requirements, necessitating a full planning application to ensure all aspects are thoroughly evaluated.

Cumulative Impact of Piecemeal Developments:

The objection highlights the cumulative impact of multiple piecemeal developments on local infrastructure, traffic, environmental sustainability, and community well-being. These cumulative effects need to be thoroughly evaluated to protect residential amenity.


The objection to Planning Application 55318/001 is grounded in multiple material planning considerations, including Local and National Planning Policies, Land Use, Economic Benefits, Infrastructure and Services, Sustainability, and Residential Amenity.

Each of these considerations underscores the necessity for a full planning application to ensure comprehensive assessments and compliance with planning policies.

The objection argues that the current outline application lacks the detail required to evaluate the developmentā€™s impacts adequately and calls for a more detailed and thorough planning process.
