Objection – 20240623 – 04 — Due to Public Health Concerns.pdf

Material Considerations Used in the Objection, Grouped by Main Categories

  • Mental Health and Well-being: Stress and anxiety from continuous construction.
  • Noise Pollution: Health risks and cognitive impairment from prolonged noise.
  • Community Disruption: Social isolation and disrupted access to services.
  • Air Quality and Respiratory Health: Construction dust and emissions impacting vulnerable populations.
  • Lack of Transparency and Consultation: Undermined public trust due to inadequate consultation.


Objection – 20240623 – 06 — Based on Deliverability and Sustainability Concerns.pdf

Material Considerations Used in the Objection, Grouped by Main Categories

  • Ecological Impact and Sustainability: Concerns over outdated data and insufficient sustainability measures.
  • Environmental and Flood Risks: Historical flooding issues inadequately addressed.
  • Infrastructure and Service Strain: Inaccurate housing supply figures and repurposed NHS comments.
  • Public Opinion and Community Impact: Significant community opposition and manipulated feedback.
  • Archaeological Concerns: Insufficient mitigation for potential archaeological findings.


Objection – 20240623 – 05 — Based on the Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf

Material Considerations Used in the Objection, Grouped by Main Categories

  • Significant Biodiversity Net Loss: High loss of biodiversity contrary to planning policies.
  • Insufficient Mitigation and Compensation Measures: Lack of detailed, enforceable plans.
  • Potential Adverse Effects on Local Wildlife: Risks to protected species with inadequate mitigation.
  • Cumulative Impact with Previous Developments: Additional habitat loss and urbanisation.
  • Impact on Non-Statutory Designated Sites: Risks to nearby nature conservation sites.
  • Inadequate Consideration of In-Combination Effects: Lack of comprehensive assessment of cumulative impacts.


Objection – 20240623 – 03 — Due to Traffic and Access, Flood Risk and Community Impact Concerns.pdf

Material Considerations Used in the Objection, Grouped by Main Categories

  • Outdated Traffic Data: Reliance on outdated surveys.
  • Survey Methods: Scrutiny of survey methods for accuracy.
  • Feasibility of Mitigation Measures: Evaluation of proposed road improvements.
  • Cumulative Impact: Assessment of cumulative traffic impacts.
  • Existing Flooding Problems: Ongoing flooding issues at Beechlands Road and Redhill junction.
  • Exacerbation of Flooding Issues: Concerns over increased flooding from new development.
  • Lack of Detailed Plans: Insufficient flood risk mitigation details.
  • Impact on Local Infrastructure: Strain on local services and amenities.
  • Safety and Accessibility: Risks from flooding affecting safety and access.


Objection – 20240623 – 02 — Due to Inadequate Community Involvement and Lack of Trust.pdf

Material Considerations Used in the Objection, Grouped by Main Categories

  • Limited and Biased Consultation Reach: Insufficient and potentially biased community engagement.
  • Superficial Responses to Concerns: Developer’s inadequate responses to community concerns.
  • Manipulated Feedback: Lack of trust in the consultation practices.
  • Fear of Voicing Opinions: Residents fear repercussions for voicing concerns.


Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 02.pdf

Traffic and Access Concerns: This section reviews the developer’s documents related to traffic and access. It identifies critical weaknesses in the proposed solutions, such as the increased traffic congestion and potential safety hazards due to narrow roads and lack of street lighting.

Parking and Cycle Strategy Plan: This section discusses the insufficiency of proposed parking spaces and the lack of secure cycle storage, which could lead to on-street parking and associated safety issues, and does not promote sustainable transport options.

Walking, Cycling, and Horse-Riding Assessment: This section highlights deficiencies in existing infrastructure, such as narrow footways and lack of street lighting, posing safety risks for pedestrians and cyclists, especially during low-light conditions.

Legacy Recommendations and Historical Context: This section references historical concerns and recommendations for an EIA due to significant impacts on critical junctions. It underscores the need for comprehensive assessments to understand cumulative traffic impacts.


Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 03.pdf

1. Procedural Concerns:

This section addresses the incomplete disclosure of material considerations and the lack of public awareness regarding the application’s consideration under Paragraph 11 of the NPPF. It emphasises the importance of transparency and informed public participation.

2. Impact on Traffic and Access:

This section discusses the increased traffic congestion and potential delays to emergency services due to the proposed development’s access plan leading to Lymington Bottom Road, a primary route to hospitals and other essential services.

3. Potential Procedural Error:

This section points out the potential procedural errors due to the failure to disclose all material considerations and the omission of a comprehensive EIA, which might undermine the integrity of the planning process.

4. Conclusion:

This section concludes that the proposed development does not meet the sustainability criteria required by Paragraph 11 of the NPPF. It urges the council to reject the application unless substantial revisions are made to address the critical concerns comprehensively.


Objection to Planning Application 27000-005 — 20240621 – 01.pdf

Environmental and Ecological Impact: This section discusses the impact on existing trees and biodiversity. It highlights concerns about protecting trees, which are crucial for climate change mitigation and maintaining visual amenity. Failure to protect these trees could lead to a deteriorating landscape and loss of biodiversity.

Archaeological Significance: This section addresses the potential for encountering Neolithic remains and recommends archaeological evaluations to protect any undiscovered assets. Preserving archaeological heritage is essential for maintaining the historical integrity of the area.

Flood Risk and Drainage: This section emphasises the need for robust drainage systems to manage increased runoff and prevent flood risk. It highlights the importance of designing drainage systems to handle extreme weather events and comply with climate change resilience standards.

Community and Social Impact: This section critiques the affordable housing provision, noting it falls short of local policy requirements. It also discusses the significant population increase from 2011 to 2024 and the lack of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to capture the cumulative effects on local infrastructure and services.

Public Services and Infrastructure: This section discusses the impact on local public footpaths, emphasising the need for contributions to improve their surface and maintenance to accommodate increased foot traffic from new residents.

Health and Safety: This section highlights fire safety concerns, emphasising the need for adequate access for firefighting appliances and sufficient water supplies. It also addresses the necessity of radon protection and conditions for land contamination management to ensure safety.

Healthcare Infrastructure: This section includes comments from the NHS about local GP surgeries’ capacity to absorb the population increase. It stresses the need to ensure that healthcare services remain adequate to support the growing population.
